Command Line

Accent OFFICE Password Recovery supports command line parameters. General syntax is:

AccentOPR.exe /switch1[:param1] /switch2[:param2] FileName

Possible switches:

If there any special symbols within param they must be enclosed into double quotes. If there is a double quote symbol itself it must be duplicated, for example:

/log:"Log file.txt"

sp and ep values can be either absolute values within range of passwords to check or percentage values. Absolute values can be decimal or hexadecimal (h or H suffix must be used for hexadecimals). Percentage values marked with % suffix. Percentage values can contain fractional parts.

FileName can either be raw file to attack (*.zip) or status file (*.prs). Status files contains information about attack range and starting point, so it is not needed to provide these values when using status file as command line parameter. But if presents /sp and /ep values overwrites status file settings.


AccentOPR.exe office2010passworded.docx
AccentOPR.exe /sp:1.75% /ep:99.875% office2010passworded.docx
AccentOPR.exe /log:info.txt /ewd bb9800.ipd
AccentOPR.exe /log:info.txt /ewd /sc:"bbb5.txt" /sp:5% /ep:15% bb9900.ipd
AccentOPR.exe /ewd /wmin LastSavedPRS.prs